Monday, October 09, 2006

And the winner is......

Cameron T. Morris for his work on estimating the effects that legalizing the coca leaf in Bolivia have on personal and national savings. Well, not yet. But here's the real news. From the FT

The 2006 Nobel prize for economics has been awarded to Professor Edmund Phelps of Columbia University for his work in the late 1960s overturning the conventional wisdom on the trade-off between inflation and unemployment.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said it had awarded the economics prize in memory of Alfred Nobel to Prof Phelps “for his analysis of the intertemporal trade-offs in macroeconomic policy”.

Stay tuned. Look for me in 2050, if we haven't all killed ourselves by then.

1 comment:

yasser said...

it is a good topic - the bolivian one that is...