Sunday, February 26, 2006

Gettin Lost in the Sauce

WOW...I don't think that picture needs much of an explanation.

Quench your thirst with a Saucey SISTAH!!!! On friday night that's exactly what I did. Who can resist their provacative marketing?? look how beautiful she is, I couldn't hold back. By the time friday night rolled around I was all ready to go. I headed straight to the only place in the world that serves this refined Ale...Everet & Jones... I must admit I felt a bit like a foreign tourist. We didn't have the courage to ask the waiter for a "SAUCEY SISTAH" so instead we just pointed at her picture and said "I'll have one of those" at which point he said "A PITCHER OF SAUCEY?" and we were sold....Boi o Boi was it saucey, we got lost in the Sauce....

Ribs and SAUCCEYY... yum yumm yummm.... look at that Kool-aide smile...or is that a SAUUCEEY smile??


Anonymous said...

when i think of saucey, i think of cameron.

Anonymous said...

That's funny. When I think of "sauced," I think of C-ron