I just wanted to quickly welcome B.Libertad to the staff and express my extreme pleasure with signing him as c-ron.blogspot.com's chief political editor. B and I see eye to eye on a lot of important issues, from Bolivia to Baghdad. It is with this pleasure that I would like to further introduce B.DOW
B.Dow recently returned from Ecuador where he not only picked up the Spanish language in a matter of months, but he also gave his blood, sweat and tears to a local public hospital in Quito, further solidifying his ambitions to bring organic change the world and make medical treatment more accessible to those who need it most. Currently, B.DOW continues to formulate his firey ideas and ambitions from his outpost in Las Vegas, while preparing to attend Med. School in the fall........

So, B...All I've got for you is Dow-Morris 2020 (the year of the flames)
"we ain't squares, we're polar bears"
**for free prints of photos seen in this posting send your name and mailing address to ctmorris@gmail.com (courtesy of c-ron.blogspot.com foto service)**
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